Markus Leibrecht,經濟與社會科學博士
WOS Researcher ID: KRO-6847-2024
Scopus ID: 24484693100
ORCID: 0000-0001-5499-4280
現任澳門城市大學金融學院應用經濟學教授。在加入澳門城市大學之前,曾在多所院校任教,包括上海大學、上海海洋大學、英國雷丁大學(馬來西亞校區)、新加坡社會科學大學、德國盧內堡大學和維也納經濟與商業大學。2020 年至 2023 年,他擔任上海大學東方學者(特聘教授),是上海市千人計畫人才庫成員。除學術職務外,他還在學術界之外積累了實踐經驗,曾與奧地利國家銀行和奧地利經濟研究所等機構合作。在他 25 年的教學生涯中,為本科生、研究生和博士生講授過經濟學和國際商務課程。他的研究不僅是學術性的,而且對現實世界也有影響。他的研究重點是國際投資協定和投資者與國家間爭端解決,分析它們對跨國企業決策和政府經濟政策的深遠影響。這項研究從經濟學、國際關係和國際經濟法中汲取真知灼見。有幸獲得了 90 多萬美元的研究基金和獎勵,這證明了他的工作具有影響力和相關性。他的研究成果發表在著名的國際期刊上,包括《Aquaculture》、《Economica》、《Economic Inquiry》、《European Journal of Political Economy》等。此外,他還是奧地利經濟研究所的助理研究員,該研究所由諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者 F.A. von Hayek 和 L. von Mises 創辦。他還是英國高等教育副研究員。
08/2024 -: 澳門城市大學教授
04/2014 -: 奧地利經濟研究所 (WIFO) 助理研究員
09/2019 - 06/2024: 上海大學MBA中心-兼職教授
09/2020 - 08/2023: 上海海洋大學教授
09/2016 - 08/2018: 英國雷丁大學 / 馬來西亞大學 (UoRM) 資深副教授
04/2015 - 07/2016: 新加坡社會科學大學 (SUSS) 資深副教授
04/2014 - 03/2015: 与WIFO建立基于项目(服务合同)的雇佣关系
04/2013 - 03/2014: WIFO 資深經濟師
04/2012 - 03/2013: 德國盧內堡大學-教授
01/2011 - 03/2012: 維也納經濟大學-副教授
01/2009 - 12/2010: 奧地利科學基金會特別研究專案 (國際稅務協調) 項目負責人
10/2005 - 12/2008:維也納經濟大學- 助理教授
10/2004 - 09/2005: 奧地利中央銀行-經濟分析部經濟學家
08/1999 - 09/2004: 維也納經濟大學-助理教授 (博士前期),教學職責為助理教授
出版論文精選(第一作者或/及通訊作者)(full list at:
Selected Refereed Publications With Significant Contributions (first or/and corresponding author) (full list at:
- Sustainability of Croakers in the waters around Lagos, Nigeria, Marine Policy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 2024, 106297, with Gloria Chinwendu Gloria and (minor contributions) others (role: corresponding author)
- Do the new Brazilian Agreements on Cooperation and Facilitation of Investment promote Outward Foreign Direct Investment? Journal of World Investment and Trade (ABDC A; JCR Q1), 2024, forthcoming, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Capital Market Integration and Firm Innovation: Theory and Evidence from China, Applied Economics (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 2024, forthcoming, with Yan Zhoufu and Long Wen (role: corresponding author)
- Market integration and market leadership: Evidence for Cyprinoid Markets in China, Aquaculture (JCR Q1), 578(15): 740010, 2024, with Yang Zhenhao, Yang Chenxing and (minor contribution) Zhang Junbo (role: corresponding author)
- The (Political) Economics of Bilateral Investment Treaties – The Unique Trajectory of Brazil, Economies (ABDC C; ABS 1, JCR Q2), 12(6): 130, 2024, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Investment Policy Reform as a Driver of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China, The Economics of Transition and Institutional Change (formerly: The Economics of Transition) (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q3), 31(4): 1035-1053, 2023, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Automation and Unemployment: Does Collective Bargaining Moderate their Association? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (ABDC B; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 67: 264-276, 2023, with Zhoufu Yan and Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Do foreign investors affect the volatility of local currency bond prices? Empirical evidence from China, Heliyon (JCR Q1), 9(6): E16658, 2023, with Gao Shenting and (minor contribution) Wang Qian (role: corresponding author)
- The Impact of a “National Green Export Review” on Competitiveness: Empirical Evidence for Ecuador’s Fish Exports, Agriculture (JCR Q1), 13: 62, 2023, with Emam Md Ali and (minor contribution) Chen Tinggui (role: corresponding author)
- Does an increased synergy in an industry’s subsystems impact on industrial development? The case of the Fisheries Industry of China, Marine Policy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 135(1), article 104837, 2022, with Liu Chenxuan and Jian Qijun (role: co-first author)
- Trust Dynamics after Financial Distress: Evidence from Euro Member Countries, Applied Economics Letters (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 29(2), 91-96, 2022, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Profitability of container shipping via the Arctic Northeast Passage: A simulation and regression analysis, Marine Policy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 133(11), 2021, with Jiang Miaomiao and Hu Maixiu (role: co-first author)
- Do Economic Crises Trigger Treaty-Based Investor-State Arbitration Disputes? Journal of International Economic Law (ABDC A; JCR Q1), 24(1): 1-28, 2021, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Investor-State Disputes in Balkan, post-Soviet and Near and Middle Eastern countries, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (JCR Q2), 23(1): 101-121, 2021, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Political Constraints, Financial Market Pressure, and Fiscal Consolidations, Public Choice (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 188(3): 361-384, 2021, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Fish Exports and the Growth of the Agricultural Sector: The Case of South and South-East Asian Countries, Sustainability (JCR Q3), 13: 11177, 2021, with Emam, Md Ali and (minor contribution) Chen Tinggui (role: corresponding author)
- Inward Worker Remittances and Economic Growth: The case of Bangladesh, Applied Economics Journal (JCR Q4), 28(2): 1-18, 2021, with Emam Md Ali and (minor contribution) Chen Tinggui (role: corresponding author)
- Is confidence in companies rooted in social trust, regulatory quality, or both? Journal of Institutional Economics (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 16(3): 271-286, 2020, with Pitlik Hans (role: co-first author)
- Granger-causes of the Ringgit-US Dollar exchange rate after 2005, Journal of Financial Economic Policy (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 12(1): 77-96, 2020, with Kan Yoke Yue (role: co-first author)
- Determinants of Second Pillar Pension Reforms: Economic Crisis and Globalization, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (ABDC B; ABS 2; JCR Q3), 19(3): 392-408, 2020, with Fong Joelle (role: co-first author)
- The generalized use of investment incentives. In: Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options, Tavares-Lehmann A., Toledano P., Johnson L., and Sachs L. (eds.), pp. 63-93. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Social trust, institutional and political constraints on the executive and deregulation of markets, European Journal of Political Economy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 39(C): 249-268, 2015, with Pitlik Hans (role: co-first author)
- Fiscal Policy and Business Cycle Volatility: How important are Credit Constraints? Economica (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 82(326): 201-221, 2015, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Determinants of seasonal labor migration from Armenia to Russia: An empirical investigation, Journal of Development Studies (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 50(3): 349-367, 2014, with Bellak Christian and Liebensteiner Mario (role: co-first author)
- Modelling FDI based on a spatially augmented gravity model: Evidence for Central and Eastern European Countries. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (ABDC B; ABS 1, JCR Q2), 23(8): 1206-1237, 2014, with Riedl Aleksandra (role: co-first author)
- Political budget cycles - evidence from disaggregated public expenditure data, Economics Letters (ABDC A; ABS 3; JCR Q2), 121(1): 128-132, 2013, with Enkelmann Sören (role: co-first author)
- When Are Fiscal Adjustments Successful? The Role of Social Capital, Applied Economics Letters (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 20(18): 1640-1643, 2013, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Tax competition as a cause of falling corporate income taxes. Journal of Economic Surveys (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 26(4): 616-648, 2012, with (minor contribution) Hochgatterer Claudia (role: first author)
- Financial Markets, Banks, and International Consumption Risk Sharing. German Economic Review (ABDC B; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 13(3): 331-351, 2012, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- How does globalization affect the tax burden on labour income, capital income and consumption in different welfare regimes? The case of Western and Eastern EU Member States. Economic Inquiry (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 50(4): 880-904, 2011, with Bösch Valerie and Onaran Ozlem (role: co-first author)
- Borrowing Constraints and International Risk Sharing: Evidence from Asymmetric Error-Correction. Applied Economics (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 43(17): 2177-2184, 2011, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Does the impact of employment protection legislation on foreign direct investment differ by the low-skill intensity of sectors? An empirical investigation. The World Economy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 34(10): 1726-1744, 2011, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Globalization and the Structure of Public Spending in the Western and Eastern EU Member States. Public Choice (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 148(3): 569-594, 2010, with Klien Michael and Onaran Ozlem (role: co-first author)
- The role of public policy in closing Foreign Direct Investment gaps: An empirical analysis. Empirica (ABDC C; ABS 1; JCR Q2), 37(1): 19-46, 2010, with Bellak Christian and Stehrer Robert (role: co-first author)
- Does lowering dividend tax rates increase dividends repatriated? Evidence of intra-firm dividend repatriation policies by German Multinational Enterprises. FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q4), 66(4): 350-383, 2010, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: The Public Policy Scope for South-East European Countries. Eastern Journal of European Studies (JCR Q2), 1(2): 37-53, 2010, with Bellak Christian and Liebensteiner Mario (role: co-first author)
- Book Chapter: Double Tax Avoidance and Tax Competition for Mobile Capital. In: Tax Coordination and Harmonization - Virtues and Pitfalls from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, Zagler M. (ed.), pp. 61-97. London and New York: Routledge, 2010, with Rixen Thomas (role: co-first author)
- Infrastructure Endowment and Corporate Income Taxes as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern European Countries. The World Economy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 32(2): 267-290, 2009, with Bellak Christian and (minor contribution) Damijan Joze (role: co-first author)
- How Important is Employment Protection Legislation for Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Central and Eastern European Countries? The Economics of Transition (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q3), 17(2): 175-295, 2009, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Do low corporate income tax rates attract FDI? - Evidence from Central- and East European Countries. Applied Economics (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 41(21): 2691-2703, 2009, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Book Chapter: Corporate Income Taxation in Central and Eastern Europe Countries and Tax Competition for Foreign Direct Investment. In: Foreign Direct Investment, Location and Competitiveness, Progress in International Business Research Volume 2, Dunning J.H. and Gugler P. (eds.), pp. 133-156. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Reconsidering Risk Sharing among OECD Countries: Some Evidence based on Panel Cointegration. Open Economies Review (ABDC B; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 19(4): 493-505, 2008, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
- Labour costs and FDI-flows into Central and Eastern European Countries: a survey of the literature and empirical evidence. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (ABDC B; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 19(1): 17-37, 2008, with Bellak Christian and Riedl Aleksandra (role: co-first author)
- On the appropriate measure of the tax burden on Foreign Direct Investment to the CEECs. Applied Economics Letters (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 14(8): 603-606, 2007, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Book Chapter: Corporate Income Tax Competition and the Scope for National Tax Policy in the Enlarged Europe. In: National Tax Policy - To be or Not to be?, Andersson K., Eberhartinger E., and Oxelheim L. (eds.), 2007, pp. 11-43. Berlin, New York: Springer, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Book Chapter: How to make FDI in Central and Eastern European countries sustainable? In: Foreign Direct Investment in Europe, Liebscher K., Christl J., and Ritzberger-Grünwald D. (eds.), pp. 226-236. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
- Accuracy and unbiasedness of tax revenue forecasting in Austria (in German). Austrian Journal of Statistics (JCR Q4), 33(3): 315-326, 2004 (role: first author)
- Book: Tax Revenue Forecasting in Austria (in German). Springer, 2004 (role: first author)
- Shanghai 1000 Talents Plan grant, Principal Investigator (2021)
- Shanghai Universities Oriental Scholar grant, Principal Investigator (2020-2023)
- Singapore University of Social Sciences Centre for Applied Research grant on “The political economy of market- based structural economic reforms in East Asia”, Principal Investigator (2016)
- Austrian Central Bank Anniversary Fund Project on “Fiscal costs of financial crises”, Principal Investigator (2015)
- Austrian Chamber of Commerce grant on “Social partnership and Macroeconomic Performance”, Co-Principal Investigator (2014)
- Research Centre International Economics Project on “Determinants of inward Foreign Direct Investment”, Co-Investigator (2009)
- Austrian Central Bank Anniversary Fund Project on “Financial markets, banks and international consumption risk sharing”, Principal Investigator (2008)
- Austrian Science Fund Project F-2013 on “Taxes and Infrastructure as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment”, Principal Investigator (2007-2010)
- Austrian Science Fund Project F-2012 on “Causes and Consequences of FDI in CEECs”, Co-Investigator
- Festo (LLC) grant for project “Capital flows to new EU Member States: Determinants and Effects”, Principal Investigator (2008-2010)
- Austrian Science Fund Project on “Taxes and the location decisions of Multinational Enterprises in Central and Eastern European Countries”, Co-Investigator (2005-2007)
- Austrian Association of Cities and Towns Project on “Local Public Finances in Austria”, Principal Investigator (2004)
- Austrian Central Bank Anniversary Fund Project on “Tax Structures in Central and Eastern European Countries”, Co-Principal Investigator (2002)