Markus Leibrecht, 教授

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Markus Leibrecht,經濟與社會科學博士







WOS Researcher ID: KRO-6847-2024

Scopus ID: 24484693100

ORCID: 0000-0001-5499-4280






現任澳門城市大學金融學院應用經濟學教授。在加入澳門城市大學之前,曾在多所院校任教,包括上海大學、上海海洋大學、英國雷丁大學(馬來西亞校區)、新加坡社會科學大學、德國盧內堡大學和維也納經濟與商業大學。2020 年至 2023 年,他擔任上海大學東方學者(特聘教授),是上海市千人計畫人才庫成員。除學術職務外,他還在學術界之外積累了實踐經驗,曾與奧地利國家銀行和奧地利經濟研究所等機構合作。在他 25 年的教學生涯中,為本科生、研究生和博士生講授過經濟學和國際商務課程。他的研究不僅是學術性的,而且對現實世界也有影響。他的研究重點是國際投資協定和投資者與國家間爭端解決,分析它們對跨國企業決策和政府經濟政策的深遠影響。這項研究從經濟學、國際關係和國際經濟法中汲取真知灼見。有幸獲得了 90 多萬美元的研究基金和獎勵,這證明了他的工作具有影響力和相關性。他的研究成果發表在著名的國際期刊上,包括《Aquaculture》、《Economica》、《Economic Inquiry》、《European Journal of Political Economy》等。此外,他還是奧地利經濟研究所的助理研究員,該研究所由諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者 F.A. von Hayek 和 L. von Mises 創辦。他還是英國高等教育副研究員。









08/2024 -: 澳門城市大學教授
04/2014 -: 奧地利經濟研究所 (WIFO) 助理研究員
09/2019 - 06/2024: 上海大學MBA中心-兼職教授
09/2020 - 08/2023: 上海海洋大學教授
09/2016 - 08/2018: 英國雷丁大學 / 馬來西亞大學 (UoRM) 資深副教授
04/2015 - 07/2016: 新加坡社會科學大學 (SUSS) 資深副教授
04/2014 - 03/2015: 与WIFO建立基于项目(服务合同)的雇佣关系
04/2013 - 03/2014: WIFO 資深經濟師
04/2012 - 03/2013: 德國盧內堡大學-教授
01/2011 - 03/2012: 維也納經濟大學-副教授
01/2009 - 12/2010: 奧地利科學基金會特別研究專案 (國際稅務協調) 項目負責人
10/2005 - 12/2008:維也納經濟大學- 助理教授
10/2004 - 09/2005: 奧地利中央銀行-經濟分析部經濟學家
08/1999 - 09/2004: 維也納經濟大學-助理教授 (博士前期),教學職責為助理教授


出版論文精選(第一作者或/及通訊作者)(full list at:

Selected Refereed Publications With Significant Contributions (first or/and corresponding author) (full list at:

  1.  Sustainability of Croakers in the waters around Lagos, Nigeria, Marine Policy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 2024, 106297, with Gloria Chinwendu Gloria and (minor contributions) others (role: corresponding author)
  2. Do the new Brazilian Agreements on Cooperation and Facilitation of Investment promote Outward Foreign Direct Investment? Journal of World Investment and Trade (ABDC A; JCR Q1), 2024, forthcoming, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  3.  Capital Market Integration and Firm Innovation: Theory and Evidence from China, Applied Economics (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 2024, forthcoming, with Yan Zhoufu and Long Wen (role: corresponding author)
  4.  Market integration and market leadership: Evidence for Cyprinoid Markets in China, Aquaculture (JCR Q1), 578(15): 740010, 2024, with Yang Zhenhao, Yang Chenxing and (minor contribution) Zhang Junbo (role: corresponding author)
  5.  The (Political) Economics of Bilateral Investment Treaties – The Unique Trajectory of Brazil, Economies (ABDC C; ABS 1, JCR Q2), 12(6): 130, 2024, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  6.  Investment Policy Reform as a Driver of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China, The Economics of Transition and Institutional Change (formerly: The Economics of Transition) (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q3), 31(4): 1035-1053, 2023, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  7.  Automation and Unemployment: Does Collective Bargaining Moderate their Association? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (ABDC B; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 67: 264-276, 2023, with Zhoufu Yan and Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  8.  Do foreign investors affect the volatility of local currency bond prices? Empirical evidence from China, Heliyon (JCR Q1), 9(6): E16658, 2023, with Gao Shenting and (minor contribution) Wang Qian (role: corresponding author)
  9.  The Impact of a “National Green Export Review” on Competitiveness: Empirical Evidence for Ecuador’s Fish Exports, Agriculture (JCR Q1), 13: 62, 2023, with Emam Md Ali and (minor contribution) Chen Tinggui (role: corresponding author)
  10.  Does an increased synergy in an industry’s subsystems impact on industrial development? The case of the Fisheries Industry of China, Marine Policy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 135(1), article 104837, 2022, with Liu Chenxuan and Jian Qijun (role: co-first author)
  11.  Trust Dynamics after Financial Distress: Evidence from Euro Member Countries, Applied Economics Letters (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 29(2), 91-96, 2022, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  12.  Profitability of container shipping via the Arctic Northeast Passage: A simulation and regression analysis, Marine Policy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 133(11), 2021, with Jiang Miaomiao and Hu Maixiu (role: co-first author)
  13.  Do Economic Crises Trigger Treaty-Based Investor-State Arbitration Disputes? Journal of International Economic Law (ABDC A; JCR Q1), 24(1): 1-28, 2021, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  14.  Investor-State Disputes in Balkan, post-Soviet and Near and Middle Eastern countries, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (JCR Q2), 23(1): 101-121, 2021, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  15.  Political Constraints, Financial Market Pressure, and Fiscal Consolidations, Public Choice (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 188(3): 361-384, 2021, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  16.  Fish Exports and the Growth of the Agricultural Sector: The Case of South and South-East Asian Countries, Sustainability (JCR Q3), 13: 11177, 2021, with Emam, Md Ali and (minor contribution) Chen Tinggui (role: corresponding author)
  17.  Inward Worker Remittances and Economic Growth: The case of Bangladesh, Applied Economics Journal (JCR Q4), 28(2): 1-18, 2021, with Emam Md Ali and (minor contribution) Chen Tinggui (role: corresponding author)
  18.  Is confidence in companies rooted in social trust, regulatory quality, or both? Journal of Institutional Economics (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 16(3): 271-286, 2020, with Pitlik Hans (role: co-first author)
  19.  Granger-causes of the Ringgit-US Dollar exchange rate after 2005, Journal of Financial Economic Policy (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 12(1): 77-96, 2020, with Kan Yoke Yue (role: co-first author)
  20.  Determinants of Second Pillar Pension Reforms: Economic Crisis and Globalization, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (ABDC B; ABS 2; JCR Q3), 19(3): 392-408, 2020, with Fong Joelle (role: co-first author)
  21.  The generalized use of investment incentives. In: Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options, Tavares-Lehmann A., Toledano P., Johnson L., and Sachs L. (eds.), pp. 63-93. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  22.  Social trust, institutional and political constraints on the executive and deregulation of markets, European Journal of Political Economy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 39(C): 249-268, 2015, with Pitlik Hans (role: co-first author)
  23.  Fiscal Policy and Business Cycle Volatility: How important are Credit Constraints? Economica (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 82(326): 201-221, 2015, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  24.  Determinants of seasonal labor migration from Armenia to Russia: An empirical investigation, Journal of Development Studies (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 50(3): 349-367, 2014, with Bellak Christian and Liebensteiner Mario (role: co-first author)
  25.  Modelling FDI based on a spatially augmented gravity model: Evidence for Central and Eastern European Countries. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (ABDC B; ABS 1, JCR Q2), 23(8): 1206-1237, 2014, with Riedl Aleksandra (role: co-first author)
  26.  Political budget cycles - evidence from disaggregated public expenditure data, Economics Letters (ABDC A; ABS 3; JCR Q2), 121(1): 128-132, 2013, with Enkelmann Sören (role: co-first author)
  27.  When Are Fiscal Adjustments Successful? The Role of Social Capital, Applied Economics Letters (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 20(18): 1640-1643, 2013, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  28.  Tax competition as a cause of falling corporate income taxes. Journal of Economic Surveys (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 26(4): 616-648, 2012, with (minor contribution) Hochgatterer Claudia (role: first author)
  29.  Financial Markets, Banks, and International Consumption Risk Sharing. German Economic Review (ABDC B; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 13(3): 331-351, 2012, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  30.  How does globalization affect the tax burden on labour income, capital income and consumption in different welfare regimes? The case of Western and Eastern EU Member States. Economic Inquiry (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 50(4): 880-904, 2011, with Bösch Valerie and Onaran Ozlem (role: co-first author)
  31.  Borrowing Constraints and International Risk Sharing: Evidence from Asymmetric Error-Correction. Applied Economics (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 43(17): 2177-2184, 2011, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  32.  Does the impact of employment protection legislation on foreign direct investment differ by the low-skill intensity of sectors? An empirical investigation. The World Economy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 34(10): 1726-1744, 2011, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  33.  Globalization and the Structure of Public Spending in the Western and Eastern EU Member States. Public Choice (ABDC A; ABS 3, JCR Q2), 148(3): 569-594, 2010, with Klien Michael and Onaran Ozlem (role: co-first author)
  34.  The role of public policy in closing Foreign Direct Investment gaps: An empirical analysis. Empirica (ABDC C; ABS 1; JCR Q2), 37(1): 19-46, 2010, with Bellak Christian and Stehrer Robert (role: co-first author)
  35.  Does lowering dividend tax rates increase dividends repatriated? Evidence of intra-firm dividend repatriation policies by German Multinational Enterprises. FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q4), 66(4): 350-383, 2010, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  36.  Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: The Public Policy Scope for South-East European Countries. Eastern Journal of European Studies (JCR Q2), 1(2): 37-53, 2010, with Bellak Christian and Liebensteiner Mario (role: co-first author)
  37.  Book Chapter: Double Tax Avoidance and Tax Competition for Mobile Capital. In: Tax Coordination and Harmonization - Virtues and Pitfalls from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, Zagler M. (ed.), pp. 61-97. London and New York: Routledge, 2010, with Rixen Thomas (role: co-first author)
  38. Infrastructure Endowment and Corporate Income Taxes as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern European Countries. The World Economy (ABDC A; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 32(2): 267-290, 2009, with Bellak Christian and (minor contribution) Damijan Joze (role: co-first author)
  39.  How Important is Employment Protection Legislation for Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Central and Eastern European Countries? The Economics of Transition (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q3), 17(2): 175-295, 2009, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  40.  Do low corporate income tax rates attract FDI? - Evidence from Central- and East European Countries. Applied Economics (ABDC A; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 41(21): 2691-2703, 2009, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  41.  Book Chapter: Corporate Income Taxation in Central and Eastern Europe Countries and Tax Competition for Foreign Direct Investment. In: Foreign Direct Investment, Location and Competitiveness, Progress in International Business Research Volume 2, Dunning J.H. and Gugler P. (eds.), pp. 133-156. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  42.  Reconsidering Risk Sharing among OECD Countries: Some Evidence based on Panel Cointegration. Open Economies Review (ABDC B; ABS 2; JCR Q2), 19(4): 493-505, 2008, with Scharler Johann (role: co-first author)
  43.  Labour costs and FDI-flows into Central and Eastern European Countries: a survey of the literature and empirical evidence. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (ABDC B; ABS 2, JCR Q1), 19(1): 17-37, 2008, with Bellak Christian and Riedl Aleksandra (role: co-first author)
  44.  On the appropriate measure of the tax burden on Foreign Direct Investment to the CEECs. Applied Economics Letters (ABDC B; ABS 1; JCR Q3), 14(8): 603-606, 2007, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  45.  Book Chapter: Corporate Income Tax Competition and the Scope for National Tax Policy in the Enlarged Europe. In: National Tax Policy - To be or Not to be?, Andersson K., Eberhartinger E., and Oxelheim L. (eds.), 2007, pp. 11-43. Berlin, New York: Springer, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  46.  Book Chapter: How to make FDI in Central and Eastern European countries sustainable? In: Foreign Direct Investment in Europe, Liebscher K., Christl J., and Ritzberger-Grünwald D. (eds.), pp. 226-236. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007, with Bellak Christian (role: co-first author)
  47.  Accuracy and unbiasedness of tax revenue forecasting in Austria (in German). Austrian Journal of Statistics (JCR Q4), 33(3): 315-326, 2004 (role: first author)
  48.  Book: Tax Revenue Forecasting in Austria (in German). Springer, 2004 (role: first author)



  1. Shanghai 1000 Talents Plan grant, Principal Investigator (2021)
  2. Shanghai Universities Oriental Scholar grant, Principal Investigator (2020-2023)
  3. Singapore University of Social Sciences Centre for Applied Research grant on “The political economy of market- based structural economic reforms in East Asia”, Principal Investigator (2016)
  4. Austrian Central Bank Anniversary Fund Project on “Fiscal costs of financial crises”, Principal Investigator (2015)
  5. Austrian Chamber of Commerce grant on “Social partnership and Macroeconomic Performance”, Co-Principal Investigator (2014)
  6. Research Centre International Economics Project on “Determinants of inward Foreign Direct Investment”, Co-Investigator (2009)
  7. Austrian Central Bank Anniversary Fund Project on “Financial markets, banks and international consumption risk sharing”, Principal Investigator (2008)
  8. Austrian Science Fund Project F-2013 on “Taxes and Infrastructure as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment”, Principal Investigator (2007-2010)
  9. Austrian Science Fund Project F-2012 on “Causes and Consequences of FDI in CEECs”, Co-Investigator
  10. Festo (LLC) grant for project “Capital flows to new EU Member States: Determinants and Effects”, Principal Investigator (2008-2010)
  11. Austrian Science Fund Project on “Taxes and the location decisions of Multinational Enterprises in Central and Eastern European Countries”, Co-Investigator (2005-2007)
  12. Austrian Association of Cities and Towns Project on “Local Public Finances in Austria”, Principal Investigator (2004)
  13. Austrian Central Bank Anniversary Fund Project on “Tax Structures in Central and Eastern European Countries”, Co-Principal Investigator (2002)
1. 上海海洋大學人才培養獎(2022年)
2. 上海海洋大學 2020 年度優秀教師 (2021)
3. 英國高等教育副院士(2017)
1. 上海海洋大學人文社會科學獎,2022年
2. 上海高校東方學者,2020 - 2023
3. 上海市 「千人計劃 」項目,2021年


