Prof. Ren Rongwei

Release date:2020/03/23
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  Mr. Ren Rongwei, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, School of Business Sun Yat-sen University ,he has acquired PHD in Business Management at Nanjing University. He used to devote to the management of production techniques in a large national thermal power plant for years, also worked in the field of investment project management in a large venture capital investment corporation before. Currently, Mr. Ren is holding a concurrent post as standing deputy director of Entrepreneur Centre Sun Yat-sen University.

  He is now teaching courses on Strategy Management, Entrepreneurial management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation and the theory of management for full-time undergraduate, postgraduate MBA students as well as doctoral student. His  research mainly focuses on Business strategy and EI (Entrepreneurship & Innovation) management and his core research field is the entrepreneurship and growth of SME.

  Mr. Ren has been involved in various research projects like a project of National Research Fund of Natural Science on Intrapreneur-based Core Competence, Corporate Entrepreneurship, project on Investment of Multinational Corporations in   China and the Response Strategy of Domestic Enterprise, etc, acted either as the person in charge or participant. He also deals with consulting and management training for a number of large and medium-sized enterprises. His publications are also of several decades in key academic periodicals such as Academy of Management Perspective, Journal of Management World etc. He is actively engaged in supervising doctoral students and MBA students in international activities of Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

