Course Schedule of Academic Year 2024-2025 Second Semester

Course Schedule of Academic Year 2024-2025 Second Semester


The following course schedule does not include any Elective Courses and is for reference only. If there is any adjustment to the final course schedule, the result shown on the student's personal Tronclass system should prevail.


Please log in to the TronClass system to apply for "Course Retake/Add Credits" during the designated retake period mentioned in the academic calendar (TronClass System > Top left side of the page > Service Application > Submit Course Retake/Add Credits Application). The Faculty does not accept any paper applications.


**Students, who may not graduate as scheduled and need to extend their study period, must first complete the application of Extension of Study Period (log in to the TronClass system > Top left side of the page > Service Application > Submit Application for Extension of Study Period), otherwise their study plan will be affected.


**Courses retake/additional courses for students must not conflict with the schedule of required courses. If there is a time conflict, students must submit an application to the Faculty / General Education Department, and arrangements shall be made according to the situation.


Bachelor of Applied Economics Year 1

Bachelor of Applied Economics Year 2 

Bachelor of Applied Economics Year 3 

Bachelor of Applied Economics Year 4 

Master of Science in Finance Year 1 

Master of Science in Financial Technology Year 1 

Doctor of Philosophy in Finance Year 1 



Most courses of the Faculty of Finance will be moved to Golden Dragon campus starting from March 2025.
​Please be sure to pay attention to the classroom change arrangements. (the Faculty of Finance will notify via email)

Course schedule