Kelly Liang, Lecturer

Release date:2021/12/19
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Kelly Liang, Lecturer

Contact Details

Tel: 8590-2816



WOS ResearcherID: KRP-4866-2024
ORCID: 0009-0006-1624-1265


Academic Qualifications

Mphil, Statistics, CUHK

MPA, Columbia University

Bachelor of Arts, Economics , University of Rochester



Kelly joined our school in August 2021 and is responsible for teaching courses Quantitative Methods Analysis, etc. Before joining the City University of Macau, she worked in investment, consulting and accounting industries. She holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from University of Rochester and a MPA degree from Columbia University as well as a master's degree in Statistics from CUHK.


Teaching Areas

Quantitative Methods Analysis


Academic Work experience

2022.08- : Lecturer, Faculty of Finance, City University of Macau


Course schedule