Faculty of Finance' s Undergraduate Students Orientation for Academic Year 2024-2025

Release date:2024/09/13
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Faculty of Finance' s Undergraduate Students Orientation for Academic Year 2024-2025 

To assist new students in integrating into the faculty community and to familiarize them with various aspects of campus life, academic activities, and student services, the Faculty of Finance hosted an orientation session for undergraduate freshmen on September 12. The event featured the participation of Dean Adrian Cheung, Associate Dean Khong, Assistant Professor Lin Deqin, Course Coordinator of the Bachelor Program, Professor Markus Leibrecht, Course Coordinator of the Elite Cohort Program along with several other faculty members from the Faculty of Finance.


First of all, Dean Cheung delivered a welcome speech to the new students, providing a brief overview of the development history of the Faculty of Finance, the teaching evaluations, and the distinctive educational features. He also outlined the future development plans of the faculty. In recent years, the faculty has significantly enhanced its academic standards and teaching quality, gaining international recognition. Dean Cheung highlighted the collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney to launch the “4+1” program, which offers eligible students a direct entry opportunity for overseas studies. Additionally, the faculty is actively preparing to develop new courses and the upcoming Financial Technology concentration in Bachelor’s program. He emphasized the faculty's commitment to continuously improving academic standards and teaching quality, aiming to provide students with the best possible learning environment and resources, and encouraged students to engage actively in the faculty’s ongoing development.

Next, Associate Dean Khong introduced the new students the teaching features of the Faculty of Finance that integrate industry, academia, and research, along with a variety of activities previously organized by the Faculty of Finance, including exchange visits, lectures, seminars, academic salons, certificate programs and different training sessions. She emphasized that these activities not only support academic learning but also promote interaction and collaboration among students. She encouraged students to actively participate in these events to enrich their learning experiences and expand their networks.

Next, Assistant Professor Lin Deqin, the Course Coordinator for the Bachelor Program, provided new students with a comprehensive overview of the undergraduate program, including course development, credits, teaching activities, and certifications. He highlighted that the Bachelor of Applied Economics program at the Faculty of Finance joined the CFA Institute's University Affiliation Program in 2022 and received the BGA Gold Award in 2024. This recognition signifies that the program has been validated by renowned international organizations. Furthermore, since the curriculum was revised in 2018, it has become increasingly attractive, resulting in a yearly increase in student enrollment. Professor Lin also shared the historical data on undergraduate students' progression to further studies and employment, noting that many graduates have successfully secured positions in internationally recognized financial institutions and pursued advanced degrees at prestigious universities. He encouraged the new students to strive for academic excellence, actively participate in extracurricular activities, and enhance their professional skills to achieve outstanding results in their future careers.

Professor Markus Leibrecht, Course Coordinator of the Elite Cohort Program, introduced the various activities planned for Elite Cohort this year. He noted that these events will offer students more opportunities to visit a range of companies and financial institutions, facilitating meaningful interactions with management personnel. This exposure will help students gain insights into the practical workings of the industry. Furthermore, Professor Markus emphasized the mentorship program within the Elite Cohort, ensuring that students receive timely feedback and guidance when facing challenges in their studies. He encouraged students to actively participate in all activities and to feel free to ask questions, as this not only fosters personal learning but also promotes a spirit of collective growth and mutual support within the cohort.

Dean Cheung introduced each faculty member to the new students, providing a deeper understanding of their teaching areas and administrative roles. During the Q&A session, the new students actively asked questions, and the Dean and faculty members were enthusiastic in their responses. In closing, Dean Cheung encouraged the new students to achieve excellent academic results and expressed his hope that they will shine brightly in the future. The orientation not only helped the new students gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure and operations of the Faculty of Finance but also strengthened the connection between faculty and students. The Faculty of Finance wishes the new students great success in their academic journey and encourages them to strive continuously in their studies.



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