Shiyan Lou , PhD in Economics

Release date:2022/01/01
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Dr. LOU Shiyan

Associate Professor


  • Contact Detail

Telephone: 8590-2648



  • Bibliography

Lou, Shiyan, Ph.D. in Economics, graduated from the Institute of Population and Development of Nankai University. So far, she has got 3 books published, and her publications have appeared in such journals as Population & Economics and Economic Science. Her teaching areas mainly include microeconomics, macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought. Her major research areas include labor economics, human capital theory, and family finance. By 2023, she has completed 6 research projects related to the economy, industry and finance in Macau as the PI and participated in one FDCT-NSFC research project.


  • Academic Qualifications

PH.D. in Economics, Nankai University

Master in Economics, Nankai University

B.A. in English, Nankai University


  •  Teaching Areas

Microeconomics (Introductory/ Intermediate)

Macroeconomics (Introductory)

Selected Readings in Economics

History of Economic Thought

Monographic Study and Paper Writing

Introduction to Consumer Economics

Contemporary Economy of China

Financial Economics (Master/ Doctor)

Literature Analysis and Research Methods


  • Research Areas

Labor Economics, Human Capital Theory, Household Finance, Elderly Care, Industrial Economics


  • Work Experience

2018/06-present: Faculty of Finance, City University of Macau

2013/10-2018/06: Faculty of Business, City University of Macau

1999/06-2013/04: Tianjin University of Commerce


  • Publications


  1. Lou, Shiyan; Zhang, Junbin; Zhu, Wenhan (2023). The Interaction between Higher Education and Economic Development in Macao. Journal of Macau Studies. (Forthcoming)
  2. Wang, Yinggui; Lou, Shiyan; Liu, Zhichen. Bank Supervision, Over-financialization and the Shock of American Banking Industry. New Finance, (8), 30-36.
  3. Lou, Shiyan; Liu, Hong (2023). Awareness, use, and need of smart care for older adults: A comparative study based on a survey in Macao, China. Front. Public Health. 11:1135164. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1135164.  (SSCI, Corresponding author)
  4. Lou, Shiyan; Liu, Hong (2022). Macao Smart Elderly Care: Necessity, Practical Characteristics and Development Direction.  Administration, (3):11-30.
  5. Lou, Shiyan;Wang. Yinggui. (2022-08-02). The United States is in a Technical Recession and What Will Drive Future Growth? 21st Century Business Herald, 5th page.
  6. Wu, Zhenni; Lou, Shiyan (2021). The Influence of Compensation Justice on Ambidextrous Media Professionals in the Era of Media Convergence: The Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy. Chongqing Social Sciences, (5):71-88. (CSSCI)
  7. Yu, Lingzheng; Lou, Shiyan; Wang, Jiannan; Wei, Xiahai (2021). Immigrant Diversity and Entrepreneurship Choice in Cities. Economic Science, (2):135-147. (CSSCI)
  8. Lou, Shiyan; Lu, Jiadi; Zhang, Yiheng (2021).The Impact of the Gaming Industry on Financial Security in Macao. Journal of Macau Studies, (1): 16-33.
  9. Shen, Yajing; Lou, Shiyan; Zhao, Xiujuan; Ip, Kuai Peng; Xu, Hui; Zhang, Jingwen (2020). Factors Impacting Risk Perception under Typhoon Disaster in Macao SAR. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17, 7357. (SSCI&SCI. Corresponding author)
  10. Wang, Yinggui; Liu, Haobo; Lou, Shiyan (2020). Discussion on Digital Finance, Business Transformation and Future Banking. New Finance, (9): 47-52. (CSSCI)
  11. Wang, Yinggui; Lou, Shiyan (2020). Foreign Operation, Economy Benefits and Lessons from Experience of Japan’s Big 3 Banks. Contemporary Economy of Japan, (4): 51-60. (CSSCI)
  12. Zhao, X.; Du, P.; Chen, J.; Yu, D.; Xu, W.; Lou, S.; Yuan, H.; Ip, K.P. (2020). A Typhoon Shelter Selection and Evacuee Allocation Model: A Case Study of Macao (SAR), China. Sustainability12, 3308. (SSCI&SCI)
  13. Lou, Shiyan; Lu, Jiadi (2020). Social Class: A Literature Review-A Study Based on the Evaluation Indices. Journal of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, (1):103-110. (CSSCI)
  14. Wang, Yinggui; Lou, Shiyan (2019). The Development, Geographical Spread and Prospects of CNY and CNH FX Markets. China Money, (12):46-49.
  15. Wang, Yinggui; Lou, Shiyan (2019). Application of Big Data Analysis in Banking Industry. New Finance, (10): 59-64. (CSSCI)
  16. Lou, Shiyan; Lin, Guangzhi(2019). Characteristics and Trends of Employment, Income and Social Structure of Macau Residents in Recent Years. Wu, Zhiliang; Lin, Guangzhi; Lou, Shenghua (ed.). Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau (2018-2019) : 303-316. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
  17. Lou, Shiyan(2019). The Status, Problems and Countermeasures of the Labour Force of Gaming Industry in Macao. Lin, Guangzhi (ed.). Annual Report on Development of Travel & Leisure in Macau (2018-2019): 193-210. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
  18. Lin, Guangzhi; Lou, Shiyan; Huang, Jihua(2019). A Discussion on “Tourist Tax” in Macau: Reasons, Comparisons and Trends. Lin, Guangzhi (ed.). Annual Report on Development of Travel & Leisure in Macau (2018-2019): 30-43. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
  19. Zhao, Xiujuan; Chen, Jianguo; Xu ,Wei; Lou, Shiyan; Du, Peng; Yuan, Hongyong; Ip, Kuai Peng (2019). A Three-Stage Hierarchical Model for An Earthquake Shelter Location-Allocation Problem: Case Study of Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. Sustainability, 11(17), 4561. (SSCI&SCI)
  20. Wu, Zhenni; Lou, Shiyan (2019). The Interaction of Education and Employee Ambidexterity on Organizational Non-financial Performance. Chongqing Social Sciences, (4): 104-117. (CSSCI)
  21. Lin, Guangzhi; Lou, Shiyan(2018). The Changes in Macau’s Social Structure Since Reform and Opening up and Their Features. Wu Zhiliang (ed.). China’s Reform and Opening up and the Development of Macau. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
  22. Lou, Shiyan(2018). The Supply and Demand of the Labour Force of Tourism Industry in Macao. Lin, Guangzhi; Hao, Yufan (ed.). Annual Report on Development of Travel & Leisure in Macau (2017-2018): 148-164. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
  23. Lou, Shiyan, Zhang, Miao (2018). Challenges and Countermeasures of Internet Financial Security in Macao. China Management Informationization, (11):95-96.
  24. Wang,Yinggui; Lou, Shiyan (2019).The Population Transition, Industry Distribution and Structure Adjustment in Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Contemporary Economy of Japan, (3): 27-37. (CSSCI)
  25. Lou, Shiyan; Chau, Ka Yin (2018). Higher Education in China Has Entered a New Era. In Sreemati Chakrabarti (ed.). Higher Education in India and China: Select Perspectives: 23-48. Delhi: Aakar Books.
  26. Lou, Shiyan(2017). Study on Supply and Demand of Labor Force in Macau- With a Priority to the Relationship between Local and Non-local Labor Force. Journal of Macau Studies, (1): 37-53.
  27. Hao, Liang; Lou, Shiyan (2017). International Experience in Financial Security Regulation and Its Reference to Macao. Socioeconomic Development Research, (3/4): 75-89.
  28. Lou, Shiyan; Lin, Xiaoman; Lin, Deqin (2017). Research on the Impact of Industrial Structure on Economic Growth and Fluctuation: Evidence from Macao. Socioeconomic Development Research, (1): 11-22.
  29. Wu, Zhenni; Lou, Shiyan (2016). Urgency Analysis About the Enhancements of Human Capital Investment in Enterprises Under the Chinese Economy New Normal. The World and Chongqing, (9): 1-12.
  30. Lo man hoi; Lou, Shiyan (2016). How Enterprise Culture Shapes Employees’ Value---A Case Study of a Gaming Enterprise in Macau. Journal of Macau Studies, (80):175-185.
  31. Lou, Shiyan; Cheng, Qingliang (2014). Study on Consumption Function of Shandong Rural Residents Based on the Vector Error Correction Model. Socioeconomic Development Research, (1): 23-33.
  32. Lou, Shiyan;  Luo, Rundong (2009). Study on Age Difference in Rate of Return to Education in Urban China. Statistics and Decision, (18): 76-78. (CSSCI)
  33. Lou, Shiyan (2009). The Effect of Employment Status on the Rate of Return to Education and the Inner Causes. Labor Economic Review, (1): 140-163. (CSSCI)
  34. Lou, Shiyan; Cheng, Qingliang (2009). A Research on Gender Difference in Income and Education Earning Rate of Urban Residents. Population & Economics, (3): 13-19. (CSSCI)
  35. Lou, Shiyan; Li, Jianmin (2008). Positive Study on Factors Influencing the Earnings of Rural Labors: With Special Reference to the Role of Education. Education & Economy, (3): 8-13. (CSSCI)


  1. Lou, Shiyan; Li, Hongjiang; Lin, Deqin (2019). Legal Guarantee, Policy Coordination and Technical Support of Financial Security in Macao Special Administrative Region. Beijing:Economy and Management Publishing House.
  2. Lou, Shiyan (2012). Study on Factors Influencing the Returns to Education in China. Beijing: Economic Science Press.
  3. Zhu, Hong, & Lou, Shiyan (2011). Development and Reform of Higher Education in China. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
  • Academic Project Recently Finished
  1.  Research on the Development Strategy of Macao's Smart Elderly Care Service Industry under the Background of Aging and Industrial Structure Adjustment. (Grant number HSS-CITYU-2020-01, “Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences” of the Higher Education Fund, 2020-2022) , Macau: City University of Macau. PI.
  2. Fundamental Research on the Optimization of Emergency Decision System after “Tian Ge” Typhoon. (Grant number 71861167002, National Natural Science Foundation of China; Grant number 0049/2018/AFJ, Macao Science and Technology Development Fund) , Macau: City University of Macau. Participant.
  3. The Interactive Relationship between Economic Growth and Development of Higher Education in Macau. (Grant Number MF2034,Macau Funds, 2020-2021), Macau: City University of Macau. PI.
  4. Evaluation and Mechanism of the impact of Gaming Industry on Financial Security in Macau. (Grant Number MF1920,Macau Funds, 2019-2020), Macau: City University of Macau. PI.
  5. Financial Technology, Government Support and the Development of Macao Financial Market in the Background of Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area.  (Grant Number MF1817,Macau Funds, 2018-2019), Macau: City University of Macau. PI.
  6. Legal Guarantee, Policy Coordination and Technical Support of Financial Security in Macao Special Administrative Region.  (Grant Number IF1713,City University of Macau, 2016-2017), Macau: City University of Macau. PI.
  7. Study on the Engine of Diversification of Industry in Macau Based on Econometric Analysis. (Grant Number CUM-18, Macau Funds, 2015-2016), Macau: City University of Macau. PI.
  8. Study on Human Capital in the Diversification of Industry in Macau. (Grant Number CUM-48, Macau Funds, 2014-2015), Macau: City University of Macau. PI.
  • Academic Project Undergoing
  1. Calculation of the Index and the Sustainability of Social Security Fund in Macau (Grant number HSS-CITYU-2021-06, “Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences” of the Higher Education Fund, 2021-2023) , Macau: City University of Macau. Co-PI.


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