Yonghong Zhou, Professor, Course Coordinator of PhD Programme

Release date:2022/01/02
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Yonghong Zhou, PhD in Economics

Professor and Course Coordinator of PhD Programme, Faculty of Finance


Contact Details

Office: 8590-2815

Email:  yhzhou@cityu.edu.mo


WOS ResearcherID:GWN-1381-2022

Scopus ID:57201029796



Academic Qualifications

PhD in Economics, Sun Yat-Sen University

Bachelor of Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology



Yonghong Zhou is currently a Professor in Economics at the Faculty of Finance, City University of Macau. His fields of specialization include Political Economy, Economic Growth and Development, and the World Economy. His publications have appeared in SSCI journals and some top ranked Chinese journals. He has reviewed many manuscripts for journals such as the Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, Review of Development Economics, Journal of Asian Economics, R&D Management, and Urban Studies. For more information, please visit his personal website (https://sites.google.com/view/zhouyh/home).


Teaching Areas

Introductory Microeconomics

Research Methods in Finance and Economics

Contemporary Economy of China

Literature Analysis and Research Methods


Research Interests

Political Economy

Economic Growth and Development

World Economy


Work Experience

2022/8 - present              Professor, City University of Macau.

2010/9 - 2022/7               Associate Professor, Jinan University

2007/7 - 2010/7               Lecturer, Guangdong University of Technology

2018/10 - 2019/10   Visiting Scholar,     Flinders University (Australia)

2014/8 - 2015/8               Visiting Scholar, The University of Alabama (USA)


Selected Academic Publications

Dayuan Xie, Yonghong Zhou. Religion Effects on Fertility Preference: Evidence from China, Journal of Population Research, forthcoming.

Yonghong Zhou. Influence of Political Movement on Fields of Study: Evidence from Hong Kong, European Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 79, 102417.

Jiaqiang Yan, Yonghong Zhou. Ancestral Relatedness and Visits between National Leaders: Evidence from China, Pacific Economic Review, 2022, 28(3), 390-408.

Yonghong Zhou, Xian Zheng, and Ziqing Yuan. Trade Liberalization and Wages: Evidence from the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong, Research in International Business and Finance, 2022, 101653.

Chaoqun Chen, Yonghong Zhou. Institutional Endowment, Curse, and the Impact of External Political Shock: Case of Macao, Review of Development Economics, 2021, 25: 2433-2453.     

Xian Zheng, Yonghong Zhou, The Cohort Effect of Political Change on Language Speaking: Evidence from Hong Kong, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 2021, 29: 575-596.

Jianxiong Wang, Yonghong Zhou. Impact of Mass Media on Public Awareness: The “Under the Dome” Effect in China, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 173, 121145.

Jiaqiang Yan, Yonghong Zhou. Economic Return of Political Support: Evidence from Voting on the Representation of China in the United Nations, Journal of Asian Economics, 2021, 75, 101325.

Zijun Luo, Yonghong Zhou, Decomposing the Effects of Consumer Boycotts: Evidence from the Anti-Japanese Demonstration in China, Empirical Economics, 2020, 58(6), 2615-2634.   

Yonghong Zhou, Rong Zhu, Xian Zheng, Second Language Skills and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Handover of Hong Kong, China Economic Review, 2020, 59, 101366.        

Yi Pan, Yonghong Zhou, War Memory: Evidence from Assistance during Great East Japan Earthquake, Defence and Peace Economics, 2019, 30(7): 830-845.        

Yonghong Zhou: Have Free Trade Agreements Created Trade? Evidence from CEPA, Pacific Economic Review, 2019, 24(4): 550-569.


林淑貞、周泳宏:饑荒、性格形成與心理健康,勞動經濟研究,2019, 7(6), 117-143.

















Co-PI, Revitalising the Silk Road: Evidence from Infrastructure Investments in Remote Areas and the Role of Macau, Foundation Macau (Grant No. MF2303), 2023-2024.

Researcher, Guangdong Provincial Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission, “Research on New Model of Modern Governance of Mega Cities”, 2020.

Principal Investigator, China(Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Nansha Area of Guangzhou Research Institute of Jinan University, “Research of Cooperation Mechanism of Free Trade Zone between Nanssha Area and The Belt and Road Countries”, 2016.

Principal Investigator, The National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Research of Endogenous Economic Growth Model with Knowledge Services and its Application: Dynamic Equilibrium, Measurement and Policies Design” (Grant No. 71103075), 2011-2014.

Principal Investigator, The Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, “Spillovers in Enterprise Agglomeration and Discovery of Spillovers Centers: The Case of Pearl River Delta” (Grant No. 9451009001002715), 2009-2012.

Principal Investigator, Outstanding Young Creative Talents Cultivation Fund of Department of Education of Guangdong Province),Study of Managers’ Functions Setting, Knowledge Requirement, and Enterprise Performance Based on Knowledge Spillovers”, (Grant No. WYM08078), 2008-2010.

Principal Investigator, Philosophy and Social Sciences of Guangzhou ‘Eleventh Five-Year Plan’ Development Research, “Creative Atmosphere Investment and Creative Industry Continuous Growth Based on Spillovers” (Grant No. 08Q07), 2008-2010.

