Eva Yueng Wah Khong, PhD

Release date:2022/01/04
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Associate Professor and Associate Dean


Contact Details

Tel: 8590-2629

Email: evakhong@cityu.mo


Academic Qualifications

PhD, Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa, Portugal 2003.

MSc. University of Bath, (U. K.) 

DMS, Hatfield Polytechnic, renamed Hertfordshire University in 1992. (U. K.) 

DIP. Management/Economic, Lingnan College, renamed Lingnan University in 1999. (Hong Kong) 



Dr. Eva Khong is presently working as Associate Professor ,Associate Dean in Faculty of Finance, as well as Graduate Programme Thesis Supervisor.  She was graduated from Hong Kong Lingnan University, and earned her Master Degree and PhD Degree from Bath University (U.K.) and Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa (Portugal) respectively. She was teaching in Lingnan University (Hong Kong) and University of Macau and has wide experience teaching in China, France and Portugal.  She has conducted various consulting and training programmes in the field of Human Resource and Strategic Management and involved in organizing and managing various research projects over the years.  Her research areas of interest are Entrepreneurship Management, Global Comparative management, Human Resource Management in China and Strategic Management in the Asian Pacific Region.


Teaching Areas

·         Organizational Behaviour

·         Human Resources Management

·         Comparative Management

·         Strategic Management

·         Marketing Management

·         Change Management

·         Knowledge Management


Research Area

·          Financial human resource management
·          Enterprise strategic management
·          Innovation and entrepreneurship management


Work Experience

·         2006 - present Associate Professor, City University of Macau, Macau (renamed of Asia International Open University, Macau.)
·         2004 - present Visiting Professor, Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa, Portugal.
·         1989 - 2006 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, Macau.
·         1984 - 1989 Lecturer, Department of Management, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
·         1982 - 1984 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Management, Lingnan College, Hong Kong
·         1978 - 1979 Teaching Assistant, Department of Management, Lingnan College, Hong Kong


Academic Membership

·         2006-present Global Economics and Management Review: Editor.

·         2005-present Academy of International Business, South East Asia Chapter, Board Member


Academic Publication

澳門特別行政區政府人才發展委員會項目(項目負責人):2023-2025澳門建築業未來人才需求調研 (2023年8月).

澳門特別行政區政府人才發展委員會項目(項目負責人):2023-2025澳門現代金融未來人才需求調研 (2023年7月).

鄺婉樺、 陳國雄:粵港澳大灣區金融科技人才現狀與發展策略研究,上海商業,2023年530期(4 月)200-202頁  。

橫琴人壽保險有限公司聯合研究項目“横琴跨境(家庭)保险” (項目負責人) 2023年2月.

陳國雄、鄺婉樺:推動澳門金融科技生態發展的路徑研究,城市情報 ,2023年4 期(2 月)238-240頁。

橫琴人壽保險有限公司聯合研究項目“橫琴家庭金融行為研究” (項目負責人) 2022年12月.

鄺婉樺; 林國雄, ‘粵港澳大灣區金融科技人才現狀與發展策略研究- 基於409家企業問卷實証分析’ 第十屆中國人才資源管理論壇 (泉洲) November 2022.

Eva Y W Khong (2022) “Sustainable green development in Macau” Silk-Road Entrepreneurship Education Network Conference: Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development ; November 2022.

Yi Chen, Eva Khong (2022), “A stacked forecasting model-CEEMDAN-BPMs model” Yi Chen, Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science ISSN 2616-5775 Vol. 5, Issue 9: 82-89.

Yi Chen, Eva Khong (2022), ‘Time Series Forecasting Model Based on Mayfly Algorithm Optimization’, Academic Journal of Business & Management ISSN 2616-5902 Vol. 4, Issue 10: 94-99.

澳門國際銀行聯合研究項目 `跨境理財調研’ (項目負責人) 2021年12月.

澳門特別行政區政府人才發展委員會項目(項目負責人):2021-2023澳門零售業未來人才需求調研 (2021年11月).

賈曉斐; 鄺婉樺; 林立超. 金融科技與影子銀行業務關係 - 基于委托貸款的經驗數據研究[J].技術經濟與管理研究,2021,(11):72-76.

澳門特別行政區政府人才發展委員會項目(項目負責人):2020-2022澳門建築業未來人才需求調研 (2020年12月).

Eva Y W Khong (2020), “SME Business Sustainability in an Economic Downturn”, Academic of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hong Kong, China. December 2020.

Eva Y W Khong (2020) `Family Business Growth Strategies in Times of Crisis ‘.  Silk-Road Entrepreneurship Education Network Conference: Entrepreneurship & Leadership in Crisis Management; August 2020.

澳門基金會研究項目(項目負責人) : 金融實驗室 (2019)

澳門基金會研究項目(項目負責人): 澳門金融科技發展策略研究 (2019)

張旭、鄺婉樺、林德欽,(2019). 橫琴與澳門旅遊產業協同發展研究.中國市場,(25),56-57.

Macau Foundation Research Project: (Researcher) Cross Border Entrepreneurship: Macau, Zhuhai, and Hengqin (2019)

Alves, José C. and Osorio, Arturo E. and Guo, Grace and Khong, Eva, Cross Border Entrepreneurship: Macau, Zhuhai, and Hengqin (October 11, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3468328

鄺婉樺,胡坤,澳門高校創新創業核心素質與途徑培養之研究.中山大學慶祝香港回歸20周年國際學術研討會會刊.2018.10. P83

濠江青年商會項目(項目負責人):澳門智慧消費體驗調查: 電子化服務對本澳中小型餐飲業商戶營運模式改變研究 (2018年6月)

澳門特別行政區政府人才發展委員會項目(項目負責人):澳門建築業未來人才需求調研 (2017年6月)

Tham, Y.H. Khong Y. W. (2017) “The Impact of Population on Aging on the Sustainable Development of Economy and the Strategic Choice in China” Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Chiang Mai, 2017.

Tham, Y.H, Khong, Y.W. (2016), “The Five Pillars of the ASEAN Economic Community and the Belt and Road Initiative: Twin Engines for ASEAN Development” Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Guangzhou. 2016

Alfred Wong, Dean Tjosvold, Eva Khong, "Respectful Leadership for Managing Conflict to Cope with Market Turbulence" (Chapter 3) in Chan, T S, Cui, Geng (Eds.), Asian Businesses in a Turbulent Environment: Uncertainty and Coping Strategies, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

澳門基金會研究項目: 新經濟發展中澳門青年置業研究 (2015)

澳門基金會研究項目: 澳門青年創業、就業、置業研究交流會論文集(2015)

Alfred Wong, Dean Tjosvold, Eva Khong, Clara Fung (2014), “Servant Leadership for Team Coordination and Quality Customer Relationships”, Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Macau, China, December 2014.

陳增聲, 鄺婉樺, 崔耕 (合編), <新形勢下中國企業戰略發展案例> .澳門: 澳門基金會贊助項目. 2014.

鄺婉樺, 祝銘 : <澳門虛擬化養老途徑研究>. 澳門: 2014年國際商務學會(東南亞區) 學術研討會論文專集. 2014.

Xing Wengxiang, Koo, L.C., Khong, Eva Y.W., “An Empirical Study of Risk Factors of the Gaming Industry in Macau”, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, Volume 9, Number 7, July 2013.

L.C. Koo, Xing Wenxiang, Eva Y.W. Khong (2012), ‘A Critical Review of Risk Factors Relating to the Gaming Industry in Macau’. Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Xiamen, China, December 2012.

Khong, Y.W. (2011), ‘The Role of Open Education in Learning Society’, in Yan Zexian (Ed.) Learning Society and Open Education Research, City University of Macau 2011.

Trigo, V., Antonio, N., Khong, Y.W. (2009), ‘Third Generation Family Business: a comparison of succession issues in two Brazilian companies’.  Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hong Kong, China. December 2009.

Khong, Y.W., Trigo, V., Liu, L. (2008), ‘Technology-based Entrepreneur and Innovation’. Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. December 2008.

Trigo, V., Ma, S.Z., Khong, Y.W. (2007), ‘Impact of Human Management Performance on Job Satisfaction: Evidence of Young Managers in Chinese Domestic Enterprises’. Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hangzhou, China. December 2007.

Khong, Y.W., Mac, L. (2006), ‘Macau Urban Revitalization (San Kio Area) Survey’, Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre, Macau, July, 2006.

Khong, Y.W., Trigo, V. (2005), ‘The Strategic Mindset of Entrepreneurship in Macau Retail Industry’. Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Manila, the Philippines. December 2005.

Khong, Y.W. (2003), ‘The Historical Development and Environment for the Entrepreneur in China’, Global Economics and Management Review, Volume VIII, No. 1 /2003.

Khong, Y.W., Mac, L. (2000), ‘Macau Flea Market Research Study 2000’. Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre, Macau, December 2000.

Khong, Y.W., Ozorio, B. (2000), ‘A Marketing Study on Sincere Industrial Company Ltd.’, Business Research and Training Centre, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau. December 2000.

Trigo, V., Khong, Y.W, (1997), ‘Management Problems in Sino-Foreign Joint Venture in China’, International Symposium, Keizai University, Tokyo, Japan. May 1997.

Trigo, V., Khong, Y.W. (1996), ‘Breaking the Iron-Rice-Bowl – An Empirical Study on Workers’ View and Labor Relations in China’.  Proceedings of 2nd South China International Business Symposium, Macau (pp.951-962), November 1996.

Trigo, V., Khong, Y.W. (1996), ‘Seeking Harmony – Training Policies in Joint Ventures in China:  An Empirical Study’. Proceedings of 3rd Workshop in International Business at the University of Vaasa, Finland (pp.320 -333), August 1996.

Trigo, V., Khong, Y.W. (1995), ‘Working Together:  Management Problems in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures in China’. Proceedings of First International Conference on Public and Private Sector Partnership in the Global Context in Faro, Portugal (pp.186 – 202), April 1995.

Trigo, V., Khong, Y.W. (1995), ‘Working Together:  The Issues of Training in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures in China’. 10th Anniversary Workshop on The State of The Art of SHRM and Its Future, Brussels, Belgium. March 1995.

Trigo, V., Khong, Y.W. (1994), ‘Training Policies of Joint Venture in China – Guangzhou’. Proceedings of European International Business Association 20th Annual Conference in Warsaw, Poland (pp. 107 -128), December 1994.

Khong, Y.W. (1990), ‘Case Study:  Hong Kong Youth Hostel’. Occasional Paper, Lingnan College, August 1990.


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