Finance Salon [7] "Does the Frequency of Reminders Matter for their Effectiveness? A Natural Field Experiment with Taxpayers in China"

Release date:2023/03/29
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Associate Professor Zhixin Dai, School of Finance at Renmin University of China, was invited to share his latest research in the new Finance Salon of the Faculty of Finance at City University of Macau. The research, which aimed to tackle issues such as tax evasion, examined the effect of text message intervention on tax behavior through a series of intervention experiments with taxpayers. The results show that intervention behavior such as text message reminders can promote taxpayers to pay taxes voluntarily and on time, which has important policy implications for tax collection work. In the Finance Salon, Professor Yonghong Zhou commented on the research. Professor Adrian Cheung, Assistant Professor Lamont Yu and students present all raised questions and discussed with Professor Dai. The atmosphere was active and the participation was high, which made the Finance Salon a complete success.


The Finance Salon of the Faculty of Finance of City University of Macau is a platform for exchanging academic ideas and enhancing academic awareness. Taking finance as the main line, we invite senior experts in academia and finance to conduct research in frontier fields and share the development trend of the industry. We are committed to bringing new academic experience and thinking mode to the teachers and students of City University of Macau. Activities such as Finance Salon provide a better academic platform for graduate students and encourage further exploration and research of academic issues between teachers and students.


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