Faculty of Finance Graduate Seminar "How to Publish in Good Financial Journals"

Release date:2024/04/16
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The postgraduate seminar of the Faculty of Finance at City University of Macau was held on April 16, 2024, at the Ho Yin Conference Center in the Taipa Campus. The seminar invited Professor Dongmin Kong from the School of Economics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology as the keynote speaker. His sharing topic was ‘How to Publish Articles in Excellent Financial Journals’. The attendees included Professor Yonghong Zhou, the Doctoral Program Director of the Faculty of Finance, Assistant Professor Lin Deng, Assistant Professor Yun Ling, and Assistant Professor Junyi Hua.

Professor Kong is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He was selected as a top-notch young talent in the National High-Level Talent Special Support Program (Ten Thousand People Program) in 2015 and a leading talent in 2021. He is an evaluation expert for the National Natural Science Foundation, the Social Science Foundation, and the National Talent Project; a member of the Financial Management Professional Committee of the China Management Modernization Research Association. He has published over 300 papers in domestic and international journals. He serves as an editorial board member for ‘Securities Market Herald’, ‘Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law’, ‘Accounting and Economic Research’, and as an anonymous reviewer for journals such as ‘Management Science’, ‘Journal of International Business Studies’, ‘Journal of Corporate Finance’, ‘Journal of Business Ethics’, ‘China Economic Review’, and ‘International Review of Economics and Finance’.

Professor Kong advises students to read top journals, which not only helps absorb current new knowledge but also learn the thinking skills of predecessors. He continued to mention that researchers often propose future research directions at the end of their papers, which is not only an extension of the current research but also an expansion of the knowledge boundaries of the field. These future research directions may include more in-depth theoretical discussions, improvements in methodology, or new empirical studies. Sometimes, a seemingly insignificant question can also trigger deep thinking and become a direction for future research. Students should choose research topics and methods based on their professional fields and interests, think from the perspective of issues and angles that economists would focus on, and may also step into other fields to find angles for interdisciplinary research. This not only enriches one’s research perspective but also brings more innovation and development to the academic community.


According to Professor Kong’s observations, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of submissions to various journals in recent years, as well as a rise in the number of scholars engaged in writing papers. This trend not only reflects the vitality and development of the academic community but also reminds us that we must maintain innovation and persistent effort in this highly competitive field. Compared to other industries, scholars engaged in writing papers are less affected by the decline of physical ability, and regardless of age, they can continue to conduct research work. These experienced scholars find it easier to write excellent academic articles when composing papers. Therefore, in this competitive situation, to gain recognition from the reviewers, one must clearly express the significance and value of the research, use clear and precise language, and emphasize the innovation and scientific nature of the research, including the innovation of research methods and new insights into the field of knowledge. In short, new data and ideas are crucial for a successful paper.

When writing articles, one should not only focus on the quality of the content but also consider the characteristics and acceptance standards of different journals. Professor Kong advises everyone to actively submit multiple times, which not only helps increase the chances of the article being accepted but also improves writing skills through practice. If top-tier journals do not accept your manuscript at first, consider submitting it to second-tier journals, which can not only increase the likelihood of your article being accepted but also ensure that your research results are published in a timely manner. Moreover, to make the academic resume more comprehensive, it is recommended to have at least one or two different types of research topics and directions to demonstrate your research capabilities and broad academic vision in various fields. Professor Kong also emphasized that avoiding procrastination is very important. In the academic field, timeliness is often key, and procrastination may cause you to lose the initiative with your innovative ideas. In this way, not only can the chances of paper acceptance be increased, but one can also establish a more solid and extensive influence in the academic community.

During the discussion and interaction session, many teachers and students actively asked questions, and Professor Kong patiently and detailly answered each one. At this seminar, Professor Kong shared a series of submission experiences and key strategies, and also taught how to sensitively capture new research ideas. These valuable opinions not only inspired the teachers and students of the Faculty of Finance to think from new perspectives but also encouraged them to explore and unearth topics with practical and theoretical research value. This seminar not only provided practical academic guidance but also helped students better prepare and plan their academic submission strategies, which was especially beneficial to the teachers and students of the Faculty of Finance.


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