Faculty of Finance held Quality Assurance Committee Meeting for 2023/2024 Academic Year

Release date:2024/08/16
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The Faculty of Finance of the City University of Macau held the Quality Assurance Committee meeting for 2023/2024 academic year on August 2, 2024. The meeting was conducted online. The members attending the meeting include: Dr. Ren Tao, Deputy General Manager of Development Research Department, LUSO INTERNATIONAL BANKING LTD; Dr Vincent Huen, Senior Treasurer of SJM Holdings Limited; Professor Jun Xie of the South China University of Technology; Professor Desmond Yuen of the University of Macau; Dean Adrian Cheung, Associate Dean Eva Khong, PhD Program Coordinator Yonghong Zhou, Master Program Coordinator Ting Yang, BAE Program Coordinator Derick Lin of Faculty of Finance, City University of Macau.


Dean Adrian Cheung of the Faculty of Finance expressed his heartfelt thanks to all committee members for their support and contributions over the past academic year. He reported on the management of curriculum quality assurance in the Faculty, including the recruitment of academic staff, the current status and achievements of teaching and research, the future development of the curriculum, as well as the teaching and learning outcomes of the past academic year.

Then, Associate Dean Eva Khong detailed the academic exchanges and outreach activities conducted during the year, including numerous academic forums, seminars, salons, corporate visits, collaborative research projects between academia and industry, and summer internship programs. These activities, developed in partnership with several financial institutions, aim to provide students with more diverse development opportunities. Subsequently, Professor Yonghong Zhou, Associate Professor Ting Yang and Assistant Professor Lin Deqin introduced and reviewed the doctoral, master's, and undergraduate programs and their teaching status in detail.


Student representatives also shared their insights on the effectiveness of their studies. Ph.D. student Zixuan Wang remarked that the courses focused primarily on theoretical frameworks and cutting-edge knowledge in specific disciplines, helping them build a solid academic foundation. He also highlighted that the opportunity to participate in teaching assistantships and presentations increased student engagement. Master's student Zhuonan Deng expressed that the academic seminars, corporate visits, and seminars organized by the Faculty had greatly broadened her horizons and deepened her understanding of the financial industry. She noted that the curriculum is well-structured and keeps pace with industry developments, and that she has greatly benefited from the practical experience and detailed guidance provided by her instructors. Deng also emphasized the Faculty's commitment to practical skills, pointing out that in-depth cooperation with financial enterprises has offered students a wealth of internship opportunities. She hopes the Faculty will further integrate cutting-edge fintech tools into the curriculum and enhance research on the application of technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. Undergraduate student Yuemin Zhuang highlighted the importance of combining theory with practice in financial education, which aids students in better understanding the mechanisms of financial markets and the use of financial instruments. She also noted the growing reliance on data analysis and algorithms in the finance field, and praised the advanced technical training provided by the Faculty, which equips students to proficiently use these tools after graduation.


In conclusion, Dean Cheung expressed his sincere appreciation to all the experts, faculty members, and students for their support and valuable feedback. He emphasized that the opinions and suggestions received during the annual Quality Assurance Committee meetings are taken seriously, and are instrumental in ensuring the continued implementation of the Faculty's program quality assurance management in the future.


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