“Friday Tea Gathering” cum “High-level Talent Exchange Fair” held at the City University of Macau

Release date:2019/06/14
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  On the afternoon of 21 September 2018, the 29th “Friday Tea Gathering” cum “High-level Talent Exchange Fair” were held at the City University of Macau.  Dr Zhang Rong, expert from “Thousand Talents Plan” was invited to speak on “How to Manufacture Precision Instrument in China”.  Prof Zhang Shuguang, Rector of the City University of Macau, Prof Jose Alves, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Prof Michael T. Chng and Associate Professor Eva Khong, respectively Executive Dean and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Finance, Prof Wang Zhong, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mr Xu Mu, General Manager of HQFI Innovalley Incubator Management Co., Ltd, Ms Jiang Xin and Mr Kuang Zifan, respectively Deputy Director of Innovation Department and Innovation Officer of the Talent and Innovation Department, HQFI Innovalley Incubator Management Co., Ltd, representatives of outstanding PhD students of the City University of Macau and a number of Friday Tea Gathering members attended the events.


  Dr Zhang Rong was born in Dalian, Liaoning.  He went to the US and studied at the Department of Chemistry, Stanford University.  Dr Zhang was a student of Prof Zare, a world renowned chemist, awardee of US National Medal of Science, former Chairman of the US National Science Board, foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and winner of the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.  He conducted research in quantum state molecular reaction dynamics.  A number of his quality academic papers were published and his papers were quoted more than 500 times.  Dr Zhang received a doctoral degree in chemical physics from Stanford University in 1990.  He has 20 years of research experience in high-tech in Silicon Valley.  He has set up high-tech innovation companies with his partners and has over 10 years of experience of managing high-tech innovation companies.


  Speaking to the attendants, Dr Zhang pointed out that the turnover of the high-end precision instruments in the global market reached nearly US$100 billion.  Our  country had been relying on import and the annual turnover of high-end precision instruments was over US$10 billion.  Dr Zhang said his team was trying to turn advanced core technologies into products and it was determined to gain a foothold in the national and even global market in precision instrument, to strive for considerable development and gradually offering a wider range of products and gaining a greater market share so that it would become a successful enterprise of international standing in China’s high-end precision instrument market.


  Dr Zhang stressed that Ruiwan Technology was experienced in research, manufacturing, market development and sales of precision instrument.  It also had international vision and was successful in research, development and industrialization of high-tech precision instruments.  The Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter that it developed in three years was sold to internationally renowned Beckman Coulter, earning $800 million returns on the investment of $50 million.  Core team members of Ruiwan Technology were experienced and capable in science research and development of precision instrument technology.   Their work attained international standard.

  During the interactive session, participants asked Dr Zhang Rong many questions and Dr Zhang had in-depth discussion with the participants on those questions and shared his views.  Teacher and students attending the event greatly benefited from it.




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