Bank of China Financial Workshop – Development and Applications of AI in the Financial Industry

Release date:2019/06/14
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  On 31 October 2018, the Faculty of Finance and Bank of China jointly organized the Bank of China Financial Workshop: Development and Applications of AI in the Financial Industry. The Faculty of Finance of the City University of Macau invited Deputy General Manager Carrie Lam of the Operation Department of Bank of China Macau Branch to preside over the workshop. Executive Dean Michael Chng and Associate Dean Khong Yueng Wah of the Faculty of Finance, Dean José C. Alves of the Faculty of Business, Director Chen Fen of the Personal Banking and Channel Management Department of Bank of China Macau Branch as well as doctoral and master's students participated in the workshop. On behalf of the Faculty of Finance, Executive Dean Michael Chng presented a souvenir to Deputy General Manager Carrie Lam.

  Deputy General Manager Carrie Lam first shared with the teachers and students of the Faculty of Finance forefront issues such as the development stage of AI, the application scope of AI in the financial industry, the integration between AI and the financial services industry, and the development of BOC online banking, direct banking and WeChat banking. During the sharing, the audience actively interacted and discussed the application level of AI in the financial industry of the Greater Bay Area from different perspectives. The students also expounded and shared the applications of AI in the hospitality industry and healthcare industry. They cited the convenient and simple Alipay and WeChat payment functions in the Mainland, and then expressed their hope that the financial services industry in Macao, especially the banking industry, could draw on and introduce into Macao the advanced AI technologies at home and abroad in order to enhance the popularity of AI applications in the standardized business of the Macao banking industry. The pragmatic suggestions of the students such as precise and personalized services for senior VIP customers received feedback from the Bank of China experts and the students were praised for their unique views.

  Deputy General Manager Carrie Lam summarized the workshop on the topic of AI, highly praised the participation and sharing of the students, and approved of the teaching philosophy of the Faculty of Finance that enterprises, universities and research institutions should be closely integrated, as well as the application of knowledge learned to practice without interruption during the learning process. The students summed up the learning in the workshop and found that they benefited a lot. The workshop brought them a special brainstorm, and they hoped that the Faculty would hold more similar activities.


Course schedule