Academic Lecture – The Future of the Public and Private Support System in Asian Societies

Release date:2019/06/14
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  On 31 October 2018, the Faculty of Finance was honoured to have Professor Edward Jow-Ching Tu from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology presenting an academic lecture on the theme "The Future of the Public and Private Support System in Asian Societies". Executive Dean Michael Chng of the Faculty of Finance and many teachers and students of the Faculty attended the lecture. On behalf of the Faculty of Finance, Executive Dean Michael Chng presented a souvenir to Professor Edward Jow-Ching Tu.

  By providing detailed data, Professor Tu first illustrated the expansion of population in Asia since 1950 and the changes in the fertility rate and population burden coefficient, highlighting the seriousness of the population aging problem. Professor Tu then analysed the impact of an aging population on the labour market, social security, etc. He pointed out that the income sources of the elderly after retirement are mainly income from labour, government transfer payments, maintenance payments and asset income, and compared the main countries in the world. In the end, Professor Tu put forward suggestions and solutions for improving the social security for the elderly population from a professional perspective.


  Professor Tu's excellent lecture aroused great interest and thoughts among the audience. During the lecture, the teachers and students actively asked questions and exchanged views and opinions with Professor Tu. They considered the lecture an invaluable one.


Course schedule