The Third Faculty of Finance Postgraduate Academic Salon

Release date:2024/04/24
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To enhance the academic writing and presentation skills of graduate students, the Faculty of Finance at the City University of Macau organized the Third Postgraduate Academic Salon in 2023-2024 academic year on April 24, 2024, at the Taipa campus in Room L311. The seminar was hosted by Assistant Professor Li Meng from the Faculty of Finance, and the speaker Zhang Zhaowei, a doctoral candidate from the Faculty of Finance, City University of Macau. Assistant Professor Li Meng, the reviewer of this Salon conducted an exchange and discussion on Zhang Zhaowei’s research.

The latest collaborative paper "Dynamic connectedness between TikTok sentiments and Bitcoin returns – applying GPT-4 for advanced sentiment analysis" by Zhang Zhaowei and Professor Adrian Cheung, Dean of Faculty of Finance of City University of Macau. The research using the large language model GPT-4 to perform sentiment analysis on the comment texts under TikTok videos, thoroughly examining the dynamic relationship between the sentiments expressed in TikTok videos related to Bitcoin topics and Bitcoin returns from July 1 to December 31, 2023.The preliminary results indicate that TikTok amplifies the impact of news information. Before the approval of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds, a negative short-term correlation dominated the influence, which was later reversed. The research aims to enhance the understanding of the relationship between social media and the cryptocurrency market, thereby increasing the role of the social media platform TikTok for financial investors and regulators.

Assistant Professor Li Meng conducted an in-depth discussion of Zhang Zhaowei’s paper, providing a comprehensive and effective evaluation of the application of his research methods, the interpretability of the experimental results, and the rigor of academic writing. Professor Adrian Cheung, Zhou Yonghong, Assistant Professor Jiang Yu, and Assistant Professor Hua Junyi offered constructive suggestions for improving the paper from different perspectives. The atmosphere on-site was lively, with students actively engaging in deep discussions around the paper’s theme. The third Postgraduate Academic Salon concluded successfully with in-depth exchanges and enthusiastic discussions among teachers and students.

The Finance Salon organized by Faculty of Finance at City University of Macau serves as a platform for exchanging academic ideas and fostering academic awareness. With finance as the main focus, we invite senior experts from academia and the financial industry to engage in research discussions on cutting-edge topics and share industry development trends, aiming to provide a fresh academic experience and thinking model for CityU students and members of the faculty. Through activities like the Finance Salon, we hope to offer graduate students a better academic platform, activate and strengthen academic exchanges among scholars studying financial issues, encourage further exploration and research between teachers and students, and improve the academic ability of independent research and expression played a positive role.



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