The Opening Ceremony of the Faculty of Finance of the City University of Macau cum Signing Ceremony of University-Enterprise Cooperation Agreement cum Appointment of Distinguished Professor

Release date:2019/06/14
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  On 6 June 2018, “The Opening Ceremony of the Faculty of Finance of the City University of Macau cum signing ceremony of University-Enterprise cooperation agreement cum Appointment of Distinguished Professor” were held at the Taipa campus. The events, at which the University signed a strategic cooperation agreement with different sectors of the financial industry, were held with an aim to deepen and foster the cooperation between the University and Macao enterprises and financial institutions, create a good environment for financial education and better serve society. 


  Rector Zhang Shuguang said in his welcoming remarks that the University had been placing emphasis on exchanges and cooperation with different sectors of the financial industry and was dedicated to nurturing professionals in characteristic finance in view of the financial and economic development in Macao, the region and the world.  To continue to accentuate its characteristics, the University set up the Faculty of Finance which offered Master’s and Doctoral programs in finance.  Rector Zhang pointed out that the signing of agreement fostered previous cooperation and laid a foundation for closer interaction and cooperation in future in the areas of talent cultivation, academic research and training of professionals in order to promote the prosperity and social and economic development of Macao.

  After the speech, in the presence of all the guests, Director Sou Chio Fai, Deputy Director Zhu Hong, Commissioner Lei Ho Ian, Council Chairman Chan Meng Kam, Rector Zhang Shuguang and Chairman António José Félix Pontes unveiled the plaque of the Faculty of Finance of the City University of Macau, signifying the establishment of the Faculty.  The University then signed strategic cooperation agreements with the representatives of banks on forming a comprehensive strategic partnership and conducting academic exchange and cooperation in finance.


  The representatives who signed the agreement on behalf of their financial institutions included: Chen Fen, Director of Bank of China Macau Branch, Wong Kuok Iong, Deputy General Manager of China Taiping Insurance (Macau) Co., Ltd., Chan Kam Lun, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Co., Ltd., Hu Min, President of China Guangfa Bank (Macau Branch), Ling Chen, Vice President of Macau Branch of Bank of Communication Co., Ltd., Zhou Shijun, General Manager of China Life Insurance (Overseas) Co., Ltd. Macau Branch, Chen Dagang, Director and Vice President of Macau Chinese Bank Co., Ltd., Ray Wu, General Manager of Macao UePay Co., Ltd., Sam Tou, Executive Director of Banco Nacional Ultramarino Macau, António José Félix Pontes, Chairman of Management Committee of the Macau Institute of Financial Services, Dai Wei, President of Special Assets Management Department of Ping An Bank Co.,Ltd, Wu Si Liang, Deputy General Manager of Luso International Banking Ltd.


  After the signing ceremony, Rector Zhang Shuguang presented a certificate of Distinguished Research Fellow to Mr. Dai Wei, President of Special Assets Management Department of Ping An Bank Co., Ltd, and a certificate of Distinguished Professor to António José Félix Pontes, Chairman of the Management Committee of the Macau Institute of Financial Services.


  Guests who attended the ceremony included Zhu Hong, Deputy Director of the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR, Sou Chio Fai, Director of the Tertiary Education Services Office, Lei Ho Ian, Commissioner of the Monetary Authority of Macao, Chairman Chan Meng Kam of the University Council, Vice Chairman Ung Choi Kun, Vice Chairman Yan Zexian, Secretary General Qiu Xiaohua of the University Foundation and Secretary General Wang Yi of the Macao Chinese Enterprise Association, etc.


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