“Bank of China Financial Workshop – Challenges and Opportunities Posed by FinTech for the Banking Industry”

Release date:2019/06/14
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  Invited by the Faculty of Finance of the City University of Macau, Mr Lawrence Lau, Product Manager of the Bank of China Macau Branch hosted the workshop on “Challenges and Opportunities Posed by FinTech for the Banking Industry” for the Faculty on 19 February.   The discussion centered around the relationship between mobile payment and FinTech and the future transformation of physical branches.  Another focus was the integration and development of intelligent technology and the financial industry.


  Manager Lau started the disucssion by talking aobut the basic components of FinTech and encouraged teachers and students to think about what big data (production infomraiton), AI and cloud computing were, the way of thinking supported by the development of internet, technological foundation and production environmnet, promotion of production by Blockchain and the production enviroment created by internet of things.  All the above basic components were combined to form the technolgical foundation that connected the real world with the digital world.  The original node and hub infomration structure would gradually transit to a mesh network of internet information.

  During the interacitve session, students asked many question.  Finally, Manager Lau made a conclusion, Director Chen Fen shared her views and Assoicate Dean Khong gave her commnets.  The whole discussion process exmplified  “Industry, University and Research” cooperation.  The study of finance is not only about theories and students must place emphasis on research practice and conduct reearch so that they can acquire more knowledge in finance by applying theories in practice!


Course schedule